I think it depends on the implementation. If there is any post in the
interface you are right and both DoSomething may use the same argument.
If there is no post each one will use their own.



El vie, 26-02-2010 a las 15:23 +0200, Arik Sapojnik escribió:
> Thanks Mark,
> So basically you think that interfaces are blocking.
> Anyone can approve? :)
> Arik
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 14:42, Mark Proctor
> <mp_markproc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>         I am probably wrong (and hopefully someone will correct me)
>         but as far as I understand it.
>         I think all code continues to run in sequence across
>         interfaces until it ends.  If a new task is posted it wont run
>         until the current task has completed .
>         so in your example below DoSomething(10) will run then
>         DoSomething(20) but what they do with it if a new task is
>         posted wont
>         e.g
>         event void MyInterface.DoSomething(int n)
>         { dbg("n is %i",n);
>           c=n;
>           post someTask();
>         }
>         task void someTask()
>         { dbg("c is %i",c);
>         }
>         you will get out: 
>         n is 10
>         n is 20
>         ...
>         c is 20
>         ______________________________________________________________
>         From: sapoj...@gmail.com
>         Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:42:54 +0200
>         To: akhila...@ece.iisc.ernet.in
>         CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
>         Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Is a new interface created as a
>         split-phase
>         Hmm... That makes sense. 
>         But how can I know whether this is a split-phase or a blocking
>         interface?
>         Because if I need something like this:
>         external int var;
>         event void Boot.booted(){
>            var = 10;
>            call MyInterface.DoSomething(var);
>            var = 20;
>            call MyInterface.DoSomething(var);
>            ...
>         }
>         Will it copy the correct values or use var=20 in both cases?
>         Actually I don't know the answer regarding the Timer interface
>         either...
>         Arik
>         On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:59, AKHILA S RAO
>         <akhila...@ece.iisc.ernet.in> wrote:
>                 just as you can do
>                 event Boot.booted()
>                 { call Timer.startOneShot(55);
>                  call Timer.startOneShot(66);
>                 }
>                 i think you can do what you mentioned as well
>                 --
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>         -- 
>         Best Regards,
>         Arik Sapojnik
>         ______________________________________________________________
>         _______________________________________________
>         Tinyos-help mailing list
>         Tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
> https://www.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Arik Sapojnik
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