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Content preview:  Hi,I was reading TxPower value by changing RSSI program but
   I am getting wrong output.. Message received from node 1: Power = 
   received from node 1: Power = 65535Message received from node 1: Power =
  65535Message received from node 1: Power = 65535Message received from node
   1: Power = 65535Message received from node 1: Power = 65535 here is my 

Content analysis details:   (3.3 points, 3.3 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 3.2 FH_DATE_PAST_20XX      The date is grossly in the future.
-0.2 BAYES_40               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 20 to 40%
                            [score: 0.2868]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
 1.1 DNS_FROM_OPENWHOIS     RBL: Envelope sender listed in
-0.8 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list

The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to
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--- Begin Message ---
Hi,I was reading TxPower value by changing RSSI program but I am getting wrong 

Message received from node 1: Power = 65535Message received from node 1: Power 
= 65535Message received from node 1: Power = 65535Message received from node 1: 
Power = 65535Message received from node 1: Power = 65535Message received from 
node 1: Power = 65535
here is my program 
#include "ApplicationDefinitions.h"#include "PowerDemoMessages.h"  
module PowerBaseC {  uses interface Intercept as PowerMsgIntercept;
#ifdef __CC2420_H__  uses interface CC2420Packet;#elif 
defined(TDA5250_MESSAGE_H)  uses interface Tda5250Packet;    #else  uses 
interface PacketField<uint8_t> as PacketTransmitPower;#endif } implementation {
  uint16_t getPower(message_t *msg);    event bool 
PowerMsgIntercept.forward(message_t *msg,                                  void 
*payload,                                  uint8_t len) {    PowerMsg *powerMsg 
= (PowerMsg*) payload;    powerMsg->power = getPower(msg);        return TRUE;  
#ifdef __CC2420_H__    uint16_t getPower(message_t *msg){    return (uint16_t) 
call CC2420Packet.getPower(msg);  }#elif defined(CC1K_RADIO_MSG_H)    uint16_t 
getPower(message_t *msg){    cc1000_metadata_t *md =(cc1000_metadata_t*) 
msg->metadata;    return md->strength_or_preamble;  }#elif 
defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)  uint16_t getPower(message_t *msg){    if(call 
PacketTransmitPower.isSet(msg))      return (uint16_t) call 
PacketTransmitPower.get(msg);    else      return 0xFFFF;  }#elif 
defined(TDA5250_MESSAGE_H)   uint16_t getPower(message_t *msg){       return 
call Tda5250Packet.getSnr(msg);   }#else  #error Radio chip not supported! This 
demo currently works only \         for motes with CC1000, CC2420, RF230 or 
TDA5250 radios.  #endif}

INCLUDES= -I..               \          -I../InterceptBase
ifneq ($(filter iris,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)         PFLAGS+=-DRF230_DEF_RFPOWER=9 
include $(MAKERULES)

can any find whats the problem is ?                                       
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--- End Message ---
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