I have not yet had a chance to try to read the fuses on the mote.  This evening 
I did discover that everyone in the lab is having the same problem.  We are 
using separate workstations, though we do have similar setups in terms of OS 
and software versions.  The problem is occurring with multiple motes as well.  
So it's interesting the same error is happening with across all workstations 
and motes.  

I do have two motes that I have the BaseStation and sense code running on from 
a few months ago.  They work just fine; the sensing mote does it's thing and 
radios out the readings, the baseStation receives them and reports them to the 
computer.  The problem only occurs when running make to install new code to the 
mote and happens immediately following the uisp command.

I may attempt at installing one of the VMWare Player packages on the TinyOS 
site and see if it will work that way, but if I can avoid those complications 
it would be nice.

From: mgm ncm [mgm....@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 1:42 AM
To: McArthur, Christian
Cc: tinyos-help
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Make "[program] Error 57" on uisp command


I am not sure about the exact solution,but you can try to read the fuses of the 
MicaZ,so that u can make sure that the communication channel is good.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:22 AM, McArthur, Christian 
<cm1...@txstate.edu<mailto:cm1...@txstate.edu>> wrote:
Howdy All!

I'm experiencing an odd problem when running 'make' to compile and upload code 
to a mote.  I had no issues with this several months ago and can't figure out 
what has changed in the time I walked away from the project.  First some 
information on the environment, then the error.

I'm running TinyOS 2.1 under Cygwin and Windows XP.  I am using a MicaZ mote 
from Crossbow (MPR2400CA).   I connect the mote to the computer via USB cable 
and at that point COM3 and COM4 appear for the mote.  The command line I am 
using for the make process is:

make micaz install mib520,/dev/ttyS2

The error is occurring whether I attempt this for the tutorial program 
Oscilloscope, code I've written based upon Oscilloscope, and even the Blink 

As for the error, here are the last two lines of the make process (if you want 
to see it all, I can provide it):

uisp -dprog=mib510 -dserial=/dev/ttyS2 --wr_fuse_h=0xd9 -dpart=ATmega128  
--wr_fuse_e=ff   --erase --upload if=build/micaz/main.srec.out-10 --verify
make: *** [program] Error 57

The only reference to Error 57 I've found is in the sys/errno.h file which says 
it is due to "Bad font file fmt" and one reference to it on this mailing list 
in the past, but no suggestion on a resolution or if the poster's problem was 
ever solved.

I've tried several sets of code (as mentioned above) and tried referencing the 
com port differently (/dev/ttyS2, /dev/ttyS3, COM3, COM4).  Anyone have 
suggestions on what the problem could be or other things to check on?

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