as phil said, tosthreads will work. lookup the net...u can find their paper
on it and some tutorials.

other than that, tos being an event-driven model, timer.fired() is the way
to go (or, that's what i do).

if possible, make ur variables global and use the timer. that's the simplest
solution i can think of! that's all i can do!


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Philip Levis <> wrote:

> On May 25, 2010, at 2:23 PM, chikh omar wrote:
> I want to wait into a function:
> function ()
> {
> some variables
> using variable
> send (variables)
> waitting
> send(variables)
> }
> however with timer0.fired I will lack access to locales variables...
> Use TOSThreads.
> Phil
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