Excellent! Could you provide a bit more info on the Makefile modification?
I'm not too familiar with what the TinyOS MAKERULES are doing under the
hood, and still need to look into this.

Just a thought -- it might be interesting to have each mote access a FIFO or
a TCP/IP port to grab readings from.  This could allow for more dynamic
control of a simulation.  Any thoughts on how much that might impact
simulation speed and scalability though?

Thank you!

>TOSSIM programs can invoke C functions, which means they can do
>anything and everything like reading data files or interacting with a
>synthetic data generator. In this regard, to create a simulation-only
>module implementing the Read interface is *possible* at all.
>Here is the outlined recipe:
>1. create a C module (i.e. sim_sensor.c) that provides routines for
>accessing data sources (i.e. a C functions like
>"read_data_file(moteid, timeslot)");
>2. create a nesC module (i.e. SimSensor) that implements the Read
>interface, which calls the C module;
>3. compile / link the C module into your TOSSIM program (by hacking
>the app's local Makefile);
>p.s. I have setup a contrib project on tinyos.net aiming at providing
>a holistic solution on this issue. At the moment, the project is in
>its *alpha* stage, and we plan to release the code for public review
>by August. Please refer to the following url,
>On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Jon Szymaniak <jon.szyman...@gmail.com>
>> I plan to simulate a fairly large number of nodes monitoring an
>> (ideally over 1,000).? During simulation, I would like to be able to
>> environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity).
>> My first thought was to create some simulation-only sensor components
>> implementing the Read interface.? Ideally, these components could pull or
>> request environment changes from another application and then apply some
>> "sensor noise" before providing the readings to the rest of the mote
>> application.
>> From what I could tell, TOSSIM only supports reading of variables -- not
>> writing.? Therefore, I can't simply just tuck away some "private"
>> in the simulated sensor component.? I'd rather not inject/disseminate
>> environmental changes over the network, as I was hoping for a more
>> and transparent solution.
>> Are there any existing means of doing this? If not, any advice on where
>> get started in extending TOSSIM to achieve this?
>> Thank you,
>> Jon
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