In a .bat file or from the DOS Command line:

     set motecom=ser...@com19:tmote

Or you can use the MyCompuker-Properties-EnvironmentVariable
panel to set it for all time.


ashkan ekhtiari wrote:
> Hi michael
> You wrote to correctly set the MOTECOM environment, would you please 
> explain me how to set them in XP without Cygwin.
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Please send messages to the help list...
> If Listen works on receive, you should be able to send using
> the same MOTECOM setting, e.g., mine is: ser...@com5:mica2 
> <mailto:ser...@com5:mica2>
> You do need to specify the platform name rather than a baud-rate
> because the TOS I/O code changes some formatting based on the type.
> Debugging into the null-pointer should be instructive.
> MS
> ashkan ekhtiari wrote:
> Well, I tried Listen on windows it works and I get result line by line, 
> I didn't see any RawListen in tools folder.
> anyway I also noticed that the problem might be becase on Linux we use 
> serial@/dev/USB0:57600 for example to connect however I do it on Xp by 
> just COMn as its port name to connect.
> I will try debugger to see what happens on makePacketSource() function.
>  Yes you are right and I think also that if I get data from my 
> application and Listen application so it supposed to be a correct 
> connection and it should work.
>  for output stream also I get that and it's name is retrieved:
>  Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
> Java lib Version   = RXTX-2.1-7
> Is about to open a port
> Now Instantiating serial port //////////////////////////////
> Serial Port params:  57600  , parity :   0 stop bits : 1 databits :  8
> output serial port is :$serialoutputstr...@c20e24 
> <$serialoutputstr...@c20e24> 
> <$serialoutputstr...@c20e24>
> input serial port is :$serialinputstr...@2e7263 
> <$serialinputstr...@2e7263> 
> <$serialinputstr...@2e7263>
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ serial port name : //./COM7
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> Encountered Exception : java.lang.NullPointerException
> H = 12  min = 29 sec= 58
> ///////////////  Exception on writing to mote :  
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>  this is the output that my application prints out and the output stream 
> has been named as above sign of being a proper valid stream.
>  I am actualy confused why it shouldn't work.
>  Regards,
> Ashkan
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Ashkan Ekhtiari
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