
I actually have an alternative cc2420 radio stack implementation under
tinyos-2.x-contrib/vu that does what you want. That is, the msp430
timer subsystem is reprogrammed such that timer A is the 32kHz timer
and timer B is the micro timer. The radio stack uses the micro timer
for timestamping, gets rid of the timestamp queue (historically a
source of lots of bugs), eliminates spurious acks (no ack is sent out
unless received packet is accepted by higher layers of the radio
stack), and much more. It doesn't do security, though.This stack uses
the same driver infrastructure as the rf2xx stack for the iris.

To use my cc2420 stack, follow the steps below:
1. Make sure you have the latest tinyos sources (google code SVN or
sourceforge CVS are both fine).
2. Check out tinyos-2.x-contrib/vu from the CVS at sourceforge.
3. Do a cd to the local directory where tinyos-2.x-contrib/vu is
checked out, and type "source setenv" (without the double quotes) to
set up some environment variables.
4. Change "include $(MAKERULES)" to "include $(VUMAKERULES)" in the
applications makefile. This will make sure that the code in the
tinyos-2.x-contrib/vu tree takes precedence over the ones in the main
tinyos tree.
5. Compile the application with make telosb as usual.


2010/8/5 Sinan Yildirim <>:
> Hi again,
> I wanted to add some comments to my last reply.
> When I connect Timer A to SFD, I could get time= 0 from async event void
> CaptureSFD.captured( uint16_t time )  and  it means all timestamps are
> invalid. Also, I could not get time values LocalTimeMicroC component and it
> always returns 0.
> However, when I remove my modifications and connect SFD to Timer B again, I
> can get time values LocalTimeMicroC component which uses timer A.
> So should I do something to time subsystem when I connect timer A to SFD?
> 05 Ağustos 2010 12:35 tarihinde Sinan Yildirim <> yazdı:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> I am working on a similar platform to Telos I think... (It is Genetlab
>> Sensenode platform). I have connected TimerA to the SFD line as you said. I
>> have modified the file HplCC2420InterruptsC.
>> configuration HplCC2420InterruptsC {
>>   provides interface GpioCapture as CaptureSFD;
>>   provides interface GpioInterrupt as InterruptCCA;
>>   provides interface GpioInterrupt as InterruptFIFOP;
>> }
>> implementation {
>>   components HplMsp430GeneralIOC as GeneralIOC;
>>   components Msp430TimerC;
>>   components new GpioCaptureC() as CaptureSFDC;
>>   CaptureSFDC.Msp430TimerControl -> Msp430TimerC.ControlA0;
>>   CaptureSFDC.Msp430Capture -> Msp430TimerC.CaptureA0;
>> //  CaptureSFDC.Msp430TimerControl -> Msp430TimerC.ControlB1;
>> //  CaptureSFDC.Msp430Capture -> Msp430TimerC.CaptureB1;
>>   CaptureSFDC.GeneralIO -> GeneralIOC.Port41;
>>   components HplMsp430InterruptC;
>>   components new Msp430InterruptC() as InterruptCCAC;
>>   components new Msp430InterruptC() as InterruptFIFOPC;
>>   InterruptCCAC.HplInterrupt -> HplMsp430InterruptC.Port14;
>>   InterruptFIFOPC.HplInterrupt -> HplMsp430InterruptC.Port10;
>>   CaptureSFD = CaptureSFDC.Capture;
>>   InterruptCCA = InterruptCCAC.Interrupt;
>>   InterruptFIFOP = InterruptFIFOPC.Interrupt;
>> }
>> However, the node that I have programmed stopped sending and receiving
>> packets after this modification... Any ideas? Do I need to make any other
>> modifications?
>> Thanks for your suggestions...
>>  K. Sinan YILDIRIM
>>   Ege University
>>   Computer Engineering Department
>>   Izmir, TURKEY
>> 2010/8/4 Thomas Schmid <>
>>> Hi Sinan,
>>> The problem is not in the TinyOS code. The hardware you use (I assume
>>> TelosB or Sky?) does not support these timestamps by default. The
>>> timestamps are taken when the SFD line toggles. This line is connected
>>> to the TimerB, which is sourced from the 32kHz signal. Thus, you can
>>> not get microsecond timestamps with it.
>>> You have two choices:
>>> - Change TimerB to use a high-speed clock (note, DCO is not stable
>>> enough, so your hardware has to have an external high-speed crystal or
>>> clock) and rewire TinyOS to use TimerA for the virtual timer
>>> subsystem.
>>> - connect the SFD line to a TimerA input line. Then, use this to
>>> capture the timestamps.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Thomas
>>> 2010/8/4 Sinan Yildirim <>:
>>> > Hello all,
>>> >
>>> > I have a problem on microsecond precision timestamps. I am using CC24
>>> > radio
>>> > chip and MSP430 microcontroller. As far as I understood, the packets
>>> > are
>>> > timestamped at CC2420ReceiveP and CC2420TransmitP files.
>>> >
>>> >   /***************** CC2420Receive Commands ****************/
>>> >   /**
>>> >    * Start frame delimiter signifies the beginning/end of a packet
>>> >    * See the CC2420 datasheet for details.
>>> >    */
>>> >   async command void CC2420Receive.sfd( uint32_t time ) {
>>> >     if ( m_timestamp_size < TIMESTAMP_QUEUE_SIZE ) {
>>> >       uint8_t tail =  ( ( m_timestamp_head + m_timestamp_size ) %
>>> >                         TIMESTAMP_QUEUE_SIZE );
>>> >       m_timestamp_queue[ tail ] = time;
>>> >       m_timestamp_size++;
>>> >     }
>>> >   }
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >   async event void CaptureSFD.captured( uint16_t time ) {
>>> >     uint32_t time32;
>>> >     uint8_t sfd_state = 0;
>>> >     atomic {
>>> >
>>> >       time32 = getTime32(time);
>>> >       switch( m_state ) {
>>> >
>>> >       case S_SFD:
>>> >         m_state = S_EFD;
>>> >         sfdHigh = TRUE;
>>> >         // in case we got stuck in the receive SFD interrupts, we can
>>> > reset
>>> >         // the state here since we know that we are not receiving
>>> > anymore
>>> >         m_receiving = FALSE;
>>> >         call CaptureSFD.captureFallingEdge();
>>> >         call PacketTimeStamp.set(m_msg, time32);
>>> >         if (call PacketTimeSyncOffset.isSet(m_msg)) {
>>> >            uint8_t absOffset =
>>> > sizeof(message_header_t)-sizeof(cc2420_header_t)+call
>>> > PacketTimeSyncOffset.get(m_msg);
>>> >            timesync_radio_t *timesync = (timesync_radio_t
>>> > *)((nx_uint8_t*)m_msg+absOffset);
>>> >            // set timesync event time as the offset between the event
>>> > time
>>> > and the SFD interrupt time (TEP  133)
>>> >            *timesync  -= time32;
>>> >            call CSN.clr();
>>> >            call TXFIFO_RAM.write( absOffset, (uint8_t*)timesync,
>>> > sizeof(timesync_radio_t) );
>>> >            call CSN.set();
>>> >            //restoring the event time to the original value
>>> >            *timesync  += time32;
>>> >         }
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > My problem is, as far as I understood, the "time" parameter of these
>>> > functions are all in 32 KHz. I am currently implementing a time
>>> > synchronization protocol and I need microsecond precision.   Current
>>> > version
>>> > of TinyOs does not have interfaces that serves microsecond timestamps
>>> > in my
>>> > platform.
>>> >
>>> > What are your suggestions? Is there a way to get microsecond precision?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for your helps and thanks a lot...
>>> >
>>> > K. Sinan YILDIRIM
>>> >
>>> > Ege University
>>> > Computer Engineering Department
>>> > İzmir, TURKEY
>>> >
>>> >
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