Hi All,
I'm using tinyos-2.x and micaz platform and I'm having problems with my 
microphone sample application, the thing is simple, three motes are waiting for 
receiving a start sample command from BS and once they receive it they will 
start immediately the sampling process. Each mote timestamps the start and the 
end of this process in order to compute the sample interval. The problem is 
that theoretical the three intervals should be equal because they use the same 
buffer length and sample at 4kHz, but I always got different sample intervals 
(with a STDEV of 601.1724757, 325.9728201 and 472.9102405 for the three motes). 
I'm using CounterMicro32C component and  Counter.get() command to timestamp the 

Could anyone please suggest any idea about how can I improve these results.

Thanks in advance,

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