$TOSROOT is a shell variable pointing to the root of your TinyOS directory. You 
probably have already set it up during installation.


On Oct 31, 2010, at 12:28 PM, Puya Ghazizadeh wrote:

> I have tinyos 2.1.0. I want to run Deluge sample on iris motes. Base on 
> manual in http://docs.tinyos.net/index.php/Deluge_T2 first step is:
>  % cd $TOSROOT/tools
>  % ./Bootstrap
>      ...
>  % ./configure
>      ...
>  % cd tinyos/misc
>  % make ; make install
> but I can find $TOSROOT folder in my tinyos folder!
> Where is that folder?
> Thanks,
> Puya
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