Hi Pietro,

As for the micaz, you can try to enable hardware acks, that will
speeup it up and maybe it will work. The error you are seeing on the
IRIS is related to a watchdog problem. Try downloading tinyos from the
google code SVN repository AND USE THE VERSION just before the BLIP
driver rehaul (r5159). Unfortunately, the ack timeout fix was
committed after the BLIP was rewritten, so you have to do that


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:03 AM, PIETRO GONIZZI
<pietro.goni...@studenti.unipr.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as reported here,
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu/msg35169.html
> packets forwarded by the IPBasestation arrive duplicated at the mote running
> the UDPEcho application, and the same happens using any blip application.
> The proposed solution (i.e increasing the ack timeout) is suitable for an
> iris mote using RF230 radio chip, but what if I want to use a micaz for the
> IPBasestation?
> Infact, when trying to use the iris mote, I got this error when running the
> ip-driver:  sudo driver/ip-driver <device> iris
> INFO: Read config from 'serial_tun.conf'
> INFO: Using channel 15
> INFO: Retries: 5
> INFO: telnet consol server running on port 6106
> INFO: created tun device: tun0
> FATAL: configuring interface failed! aborting!
> It seems other had the same problem when using an Iris mote as IPBasestation
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu/msg33009.html
> Regards
> Pietro Gonizzi
> Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
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