
It seems that the problem is with the Alarm32khzC component. Instead of
using it I advise to use

components HplPXA27xOSTimerC as HardwareTimers;
components new HalPXA27xAlarmM(T32khz,1) as PhysAlarm32khz32; // provides

and then wiring it up correctly.

PhysAlarm32khz32.OSTChnl -> HardwareTimers.OST11;  // for instance
YourAppModuleM.Init -> PhysAlarm32khz32.Init;
YourAppModuleM.HFAlarm -> PhysAlarm32khz32.Alarm;

It seems that with this approach one have to handle all the clock's and
counters instances on his own by assigning proper timer channel. I dont know
where the error is. All in all it works for me as it is right.

Best regards
Roman Klis

W dniu 2 lutego 2011 17:56 użytkownik Romek Kliś <roman.k...@gmail.com>napisał:

> Hi,
> Sure thing, let us take for instance the Alarm32khzC component which should
> provide the interface Alarm<T32khz,uint32_t>.
> The precision_tag (T32khz) describes number of clock ticks per second that
> is:
> For TMilli it is 1024
> For T32khz it should be 32768
> ... and so on
> I am thinking of if as if it was a smallest countable amount of time which
> might be archived using this Component.
> Assuming that I execute the following code:
> //..... Application file (with wiring) :
> components new Alarm32khzC() as Alarm;  // provides Alarm<T32khz,uint32_t>.
> App.Alarm -> Alarm;
> //..... App component file :
> // [...]
> uses interface Alarm<T32khz,uint32_t> as Alarm;
> // [...]
> event void Boot.booted() {
> call Alarm.start(10000);
> }
> // [...]
> async event void Alarm.fired(){
> call Leds.led0Toggle();
> call Leds.led1Toggle();
> call Leds.led2Toggle();
> }
> Leds should be "on" almost immediately after start of the mote ( to be
> exact after 10000/32768 [s] + small delay for reaction). It is not the case,
> they are turning on after [!] ~10 second, as if it was working with
> precision_tag TMilli.
> Regarding the tutorial, I was going through it but I admit it was quite
> brief. Maybe I miss something very platform specific.
> All in all, thank you for replay. I am looking forward for comments.
> Roman Klis
> 2011/2/2 Sergio Valcarcel <serteck...@gmail.com>
> Hi Roman,
>> Please, could you explain a little bit more?
>> For instance, what do you mean with "it does not work as intended"?
>> Are you familiar with the corresponding TEP?
>> http://www.tinyos.net/dist-2.0.0/tinyos-2.0.0beta1/doc/html/tep102.html
>> Cheers!
>> Sergio
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Romek Kliś <roman.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > I am trying to get to work the 32kHZ timer on the Intelmote2. The class
>> > which is supposed to provide all the necessary interfaces is called:
>> >
>> > Alarm32khzC
>> >
>> > Apparently it seems that it does not work as intended, or I am using it
>> in a
>> > wrong way. Does any one of you have experience in use of 32kHZ timer on
>> > intel mote 2?
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> > Roman Klis
>> >
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