By Philip Levis <>:

> On Mar 17, 2011, at 3:26 AM, wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think I have found a bug in the cc2420 stack concerning the
>> transmission power of the acknowledgements. Maybe someone can verify
>> it? I don?t know who is responsible for the stack at the moment. Is it
>> still David?
>> I am using the svn revision 5304 on the cc2420 folder.
>> In my setup a telosb node is continuously sending packets, requests an
>> ack and prints the rssi value of the ack. Another node is receiving
>> and prints out the rssi value of the received packet.
>> The problem occurs when I reduce the transmission power by setting
>> CFLAGS += -DCC2420_DEF_RFPOWER=1. The rssi of the acknowledgement
>> equals the transmission power of power level 31 and not the rssi of
>> the received packet.
>> It seems that the initial transmission power for the receiving node
>> was not set to DCC2420_DEF_RFPOWER. It looks like this should be done
>> by CC2420Control.Init.
>> For the maximum transmission power the rssi values of the ack and
>> received packet equals. The behavior occurs for SACK and HACK.
> Can you enter this as an issue in Google Code? Thanks!
> Phil

Thanks for the reply. I have posted it.


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