

I'm working with TinyOS on TelosB motes and I don't really understand the
difference/relationship between IEEE 802.15.4 frames and TinyOS packets. I
always use "packet" to refer to network layer data structures (for example
an IP packet) and "frame" to refer to link layer data structures (for
example, a Ethernet frame), so following with the IP/Ethernet analogy, does
it mean that TinyOS packets are encapsulated into IEEE 802.15.4 frames when
transmitted over the air? 


Is the frame type used by TinyOS by default the IEEE 802.15.4 link layer
frame? Or another link layer frame type is used by default (I-Frame CC2420)?
Is this last one a proprietary data structure?


Thanks for your help!



Jasone Astorga Burgo

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

University of The Basque Country

ETSI Bilbao     Tel: +34 94 601 7395

UPV/EHU        Fax: +34 94 601 4259

Alda Urquijo s/n

E-48013 - Bilbao (Spain)


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