Hi everyone,

A packet is sent with *AMSenderC[AM_TYPE].Send.send* and it has a payload
of, say, 0xFF. After the packet is received by *
AMReceiverC[AM_TYPE].Receive.receive*, sometimes I find it has a different
payload (i.e., not 0xFF). But the probability for this to happen is low,
around 1 out of 1000 packets. Is this expected in TinyOS or does this mean
there is something wrong with my code? In general, can I regard the payload
of a packet received by *AMReceiverC[AM_TYPE].Receive.receive *is the same
as its payload when sent by *AMSenderC[AM_TYPE].Send.send? *Or should I add
some more error-detection or even correction to ensure this
assumption? Thanks.

-Xiaohui Liu
Tinyos-help mailing list

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