
I am having trouble wiring the mts300 sensor board to my project.

In my MyTestAppC.nc file I have:


   components new SensorMts300C();

   MyTestC.Read -> SensorMts300C;

and in MyTestC.nc I have

module MyTestC{

uses interface Read<uint16_t> as Light;
uses interface Read<uint16_t> as Temp;
uses interface Read<uint16_t> as Microphone;

when I do my make I get the following error:

In component 'MyTestAppC':
MyTestAppC.nc:9: component SensorMts300C not found
MyTestAppC.nc:9: component 'SensorMts300C' is not generic
MyTestAppC.nc:9: cannot find 'Read'

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong or where to find the
information. All I can find is for the SensirionSht11C.

Thank you,

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