That's an excellent idea I never thought to look for.

However, I know it's not that specific infinite loop, since the printf()
usually prints the same thing (except for the occasional bad packet?), and

Thread[Thread-1,5,main]serial@/dev/mote_ultrasound:115200: resynchronising
Attempting to send 101
RadioResource.request() returned SUCCESS
AMControl.startDone started. Parameter: 0. SendVal:101
Payload of 101 packed into message buffer at 0x38b6
AMSend.send() returned 0
AMSend.send() returned SUCCESS

Based on my code, that seems to imply it makes a success on it's first try.

Is there any profiling tool I can use on the msp430 found in the telosB,
rather than trying to tease out the error by hand?

Thanks again for your help and rapid response,

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Michael Schippling <>wrote:

> One "should" get a sendDone() with a failed ACK, although
> you probably need to look at the message.ack field rather
> then the error argument to figure it out.
> If you are not getting the sendDone() call ever-at-all,
> I would suspect that you have something hogging the processor
> -- like that possibly infinite-loop of error checking after
> your send() call (I'm too lazy to run it in my head) -- or
> that calling send() from the startDone() is too early in
> the cycle. If that's the case you could try calling send()
> from a Timer.fired(), or posting a Task to do it a little
> later on.
> MS
> David Lee wrote:
>> Hey everyone -
>> I'm working on some radio code for the telosB motes. Specifically, my code
>> calls AMSend.send(), and via the printf library, I've proved that it returns
>> Unfortunately, the event for sendDone never gets called.
>> I've heard that this can be caused due to ack issues, so for now, I've
>> tossed a
>> right after my include statements.
>> Anyone have any other ideas of what can cause this?
>> ----------- Code Below ---------------
>> #include "SensorMsg.h"
>> #include "printf.h"
>> module Uint8_tSenderC{
>> provides {
>> interface ByteSend;
>> }
>> uses{
>> interface Leds;
>> interface AMSend;
>> interface SplitControl as AMControl;
>> interface Packet;
>> interface AMPacket;
>> interface Resource as RadioResource;
>> }
>> }
>> implementation{
>> bool busy = FALSE;
>> uint8_t sendVal;
>> event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t *msg, error_t error){
>> error_t retVal;
>> printf("AMSend.sendDone(%p, %u)", msg, error);
>> printfflush();
>> call Leds.led1On();
>> if(error == SUCCESS)
>> { call Leds.led2Toggle();
>> retVal = call AMControl.stop();
>> while(!(retVal == SUCCESS || retVal == EALREADY ))
>> {
>> retVal = call AMControl.stop();
>> }
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, msg, sizeof(SensorMessage_t));
>> }
>> }
>> event void AMControl.startDone(error_t error){
>> error_t retVal;
>> message_t msgBuf;
>> printf("AMControl.startDone started. Parameter: %u. SendVal:%u\n",error,
>> sendVal);
>> printfflush();
>> if(error == SUCCESS)
>> {
>> if(!busy)
>> {
>> SensorMessage_t * payload;
>> payload  = (SensorMessage_t *) call Packet.getPayload(&msgBuf,
>> sizeof(SensorMessage_t));
>> payload->nodeId=TOS_NODE_ID;
>> payload->sensorType=0x01;
>> payload->msgType=0x03;
>> payload->msgValue= sendVal;
>> busy = TRUE;
>> printf("Payload of %u packed into message buffer at %p\n", sendVal,
>> &msgBuf);
>> printfflush();
>> retVal = call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &msgBuf,
>> sizeof(SensorMessage_t));
>> printf("AMSend.send() returned %u\n", retVal);
>> printfflush();
>> while(retVal != SUCCESS)
>> {
>> if(retVal == EBUSY)
>> {
>> call Leds.led1On();
>> }
>> if(retVal == FAIL)
>> {
>> call Leds.led1On();
>> }
>> printf("AMSend.send() returned %u\n", retVal);
>> printfflush();
>> retVal = call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &msgBuf,
>> sizeof(SensorMessage_t));
>> }
>> printf("AMSend.send() returned SUCCESS\n");
>> printfflush();
>> call Leds.led2On();
>> }
>> }
>> else {
>> printf("AMSend.send() restarted!\n");
>> printfflush();
>> call AMControl.start();
>> }
>> }
>> event void RadioResource.granted(){
>> error_t retVal;
>> retVal = call AMControl.start();
>> while(!(retVal == SUCCESS || retVal == EALREADY ))
>> {
>> retVal = call AMControl.start();
>> }
>> }
>> event void AMControl.stopDone(error_t error){
>> call RadioResource.release();
>> signal ByteSend.sendDone();
>> }
>> command error_t ByteSend.doSend(uint8_t toSend){
>> error_t ret;
>> if(!busy)
>> {
>> printf("Attempting to send %u\n", toSend);
>> printfflush();
>> sendVal = toSend;
>> ret = call RadioResource.request(); //immediateRequest();
>> while(ret != SUCCESS)
>> {
>> printf("RadioResource.request() failed with status %u\n", ret);
>> printfflush();
>> ret = call RadioResource.request(); //immediateRequest();
>> }
>> printf("RadioResource.request() returned SUCCESS\n");
>> printfflush();
>> call Leds.led0On();
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> ret = FALSE;
>> }
>> return ret;
>> }
>> }
>> ----------- Code Above ----------------
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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