
you can find a sample application that measures environmental RSSI using the
CC2420ControlC component in apps/tests/cc2420/RssiToSerial . In general, you
have to wire a Read<uint16_t> interface to CC2420ControlC.ReadRssi and call
the read() function, the calling component will be notified by a sendDone
event containing the measured RSSI value.

As a side note, for the next emails that you'll send to this mailing list,
please use subjects more meaningful than "!!!" (for example: "Measuring
environmental RSSI with CC2420"), it makes reading the mailing list threads
much easier to follow). Thank you.


On Wednesday 18 May 2011 09:13:54 Lyubomir Ivanov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am facing a huge problem. I want to read the RSSI from telosb when it is
> not receiving packets. In such order I want to send to this value to my pc
> using the SerialForwarder, because I want to see what is the value when
> there isn't useful received signal. I know that that there is an interface
> called ReadRssi provided by CC2420ControlC component, but I don't how to
> get the value when there isn't stream of packets. I will be grateful if
> someone has an idea how to achieve this. Thank you preliminarily
> /n01d

Giuseppe Cardone, Ph.D. Student
DEIS-LIA - University of Bologna
E-mail: giuseppe.card...@unibo.it
Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/GiuseppeCardone/

5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376

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