Dear professor:
I am a college student leanring WSN. Now i have some problems. I am confused by 
the application named MultihopOscilloscopeLqi.
Firstly, not quite as the README text says "The application periodically 
samples the default sensor and broadcasts a message every few readings.",the 
readings cant be displayed by the java "Oscilloscope" application.
Secondly, does this application use the  routing protocal "LQI"? Or may be it's 
just a simple data-collection application. I realy cant find any sentence in 
the source code that uses the LQI algorithm.
So few articles about LQI or MultihopOscilloscopeLqi can be found on the 
Internet,so could you please give me more information so that i can figure out 
how this application and LQI protocal works.
Thank you for your time and patience, and i would greatly appreciate your 
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