hello, i have a strange problem and it's the first time i see it!!! here is my 
application code which is supposed to receive data from the network and send it 
back to the usb port, but there is a problem with the startDone event which i 
can't understand.

#include "TestSerial.h"
module TestSerialC {  uses {    interface SplitControl as Control;    interface 
Leds;    interface Boot;    interface Receive;    interface AMSend;    
interface Packet;  }}implementation {
  message_t packet;
  bool locked = FALSE;     event void Boot.booted() {call Leds.led1Toggle();    
call Control.start();  }  

  event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t* bufPtr, void* payload, uint8_t 
len) {
        call Leds.led2Toggle();locked = TRUE;          return bufPtr;      }
  event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error) {    if (&packet 
== bufPtr) {      locked = FALSE;    }  }
  event void Control.startDone(error_t err) {if (err == SUCCESS) {    call 
Leds.led0Toggle();    }    else {      call Control.start();call 
Leds.led0Off();    }      }  event void Control.stopDone(error_t err) {}}

#include "TestSerial.h"
configuration TestSerialAppC {}implementation {  components TestSerialC as App, 
LedsC, MainC;  components SerialActiveMessageC as AM;   components new 
AMReceiverC(AM_TEST_SERIAL_MSG);components ActiveMessageC;       App.Boot -> 
MainC.Boot;  App.Control -> ActiveMessageC;  App.Receive -> 
AMReceiverC;  App.AMSend -> AM.AMSend[AM_TEST_SERIAL_MSG];  App.Leds -> 
LedsC;  App.Packet -> AM;}

please if any one had faced this problem helps me.thanks a lot.
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