[Apologies for Cross Posting]


NOMe-IoT 2011
International Workshop on Networking and Object Memories for the
Internet of Things

September 18, 2011. Beijing, China
In conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing (UbiComp 2011)
Submission Deadline : June 21, 2011

Following the prognosis that predicts 50 to 100 billion of Internet
connected things by 2020, we are now at the cross section of a
paradigm shift and observing the metamorphosis that everyday things
are going through - from things that learned-to-do to things that are
learning–to-think to things that will learn-to-perceive (sense and
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is at the heart of this
metamorphosis, and is rapidly gaining global attention from academia,
industries, and governments. Manifold definitions of IoT trace back to
the ITU vision, and also available from European Commission. In
general, the IoT concept allows bidirectional communications among
device, network, and backend data centers. It covers a wide scope of
technologies including wireless/wired sensing, networking, computing
and control, which together build feasible complex cyber physical
systems (CPS) to support diverse applications, including smart grid,
healthcare, intelligent transportation, and logistics, etc. An
integral part of IoT systems is object memories, comprise hardware and
software components that physically and/or conceptually associate
digital information with real-world objects in an
application-independent manner. Such information can take many
different forms (structured data and documents, pictures, audio/video
streams, etc.) and originate from a variety of sources (automated
processes, sensors in the environment, users, etc.). If constantly
updated, Digital Object Memories over time provide a meaningful record
of an object's history and use.

NOMe-IoT seeks to provide a foundation for discussing these challenges
and to layout the future roadmap for IoT research. NOMe-IoT is the
successor of two successful workshop series, DIPSO/DOMe-IoT 2007-10 in
conjunction with UbiComp 2007-10. By bringing in several system and
networking experts from academia and industry, this year's event
extends the workshop's scope and aims to provide a forum to discuss
and exchange ideas on recent research work, point out the directions
for future research, and seek collaboration opportunities on all
aspects of the IoT Systems.

*** Goals and Topics

The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together technical
experts, artists, designers, and possible end-users of IoT systems to
discuss and to leverage cooperation in future activities.  We are
looking for
papers that present new techniques, introduce new methodologies,
propose new research directions, or discuss strategies for resolving
open problems spanning all aspects of an IoT system. The focus will
cover both the
system-level solutions like software/hardware architectures as well as
 social, privacy, and legal implications of IoT  systems. Furthermore,
application-oriented demos and prototypes are also highly encouraged.
The workshop will be organized around short technical talks and
structured discussion.

Suggested topics that could be discussed at NOMe-IoT include (but are
not limited to):

.       IoT System and Functional Architecture
.       Access Network Technologies for IoT
.       Technology for enabling Digital Object Memories (e.g.,
Architecture, Represenation and Modelling)
.       Protocol Designs for IoT (e.g., MAC, Routing, TCP, Admission
control, etc.)
.       Security and Privacy issues for IoT
.       Performance Management and Evaluations for IoT systems (QoS,
Scalability, Reliability, etc)
.       IoT Network Operations, Management, and Optimizations
.       IoT Naming, Address Management and End-to-End Addressability
.       Real-time and Historical Data Management for IoT
.       RFID, Sensors, Actuator technologies for IoT
.       Green IoT
.       Web Technologies and Cloud Computing for IoT
.       Novel Interfaces and Interactions Techniques for IoT
.       Social Implications and Studies reporting IoT Systems
.       IoT Applications (e.g., Healthcare, Logistics, Smart Grid,
Transportation Systems, etc.)
.       IoT Standardization Activities

*** Format and Submission Guidelines

We accept two types of submissions to NOMe-IoT 2010 : Research
contributions which must not exceed 6 pages in ACM SIGCHI Archival
format and are expected to present novel concepts and new insights;
Position statement may be up to 2 pages in ACM SIGCHI Archival format
and should outline individual interest and experience on IoT.  All
accepted submissions will be included in the ACM Digital Library and
the adjunct proceedings of the Ubicomp 2011 conference. We
additionally plan to publish high-quality technical papers and
descriptions of design studies in a special journal issue after the
workshop. Contributions must be submitted through EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nomeiot2011), no later
than June 3, 2011, and should be in PDF format. Detailed format and
submission instructions including style templates for MS Word and
LaTex are provided at the workshopís website

*** Important Dates

Paper Submission: June 21, 2011 [Extended]
Notification of Acceptance: June 27, 2011
Camera-ready due: July 4, 2011
Workshop: September 18, 2011

*** Organizers

General Chairs

Harold Liu, IBM Research, China.
Alexander Kroener, DFKI, Germany.
Chris Speed, Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape
Architecture, Scotland.
Pan Hui, Deutsche Telecom Laboratories, Germany.

Technical Chairs

Fahim Kawsar, Bell Labs, Belgium.
Wenjie Wang, IBM Research, China.
Dan Wang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Boris Brandherm, DFKI, Germany.
Thomas Ploetz, Newcastle University, UK / Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
Michael Schneider, AGT Germany, Germay.

Technical Vice Chairs
Jens Haupert, DFKI, Germany.
Peter Stephan, DFKI, Germany.

Local Chair
Qi Yu, IBM Research, China

Publicity Chair
Erwu Liu, Tongji University, China

Program Committee
Florian Michahelles, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Mathieu Boussard, Bell Labs, France
Yan Zhang,  Simula Research Lab, Norway
Tao Jiang,  Huangzhong Uni of Sci and Tech, China
Hengchang Liu, Univ of Virgina, USA
Yili Gong, Wuhan University, China
Lieven Trappeniers, Bell Labs, Belgium
Yoshito Tobe, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University, UK
Hedda Schmidtke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Frederic Thiesse,Uni Würzburg, Germany
Harold Liu, IBM Research, China
Erwu Liu, Tongji University, China
Dan Wang, Hong Kong Polytech Uni, Hong Kong
Carsten Magerkurth, SAP, Switzerland
Junichiro Mori, Tokyo University, Japan
Markus Miche, SAP, Switzerland
Paulo Mendes, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Jin Nakazawa, Keio University, Japan

*** Contact and Further Information

Email: nome-iot-works...@dfki.de
WWW: http://www.dfki.de/nome-iot-workshop/2011/
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