To compile and run Surge application in tinyos-1.x , these are commands:
1. export MOTECOM=tossim-serial
2. bulid/pc/main.exe <num_notes>
3. java SurgeListen
To test it over hardware:
 On serial port 1
1. export MOTECOM=serial@COM1:mica2
2. MIB510=/dev/COM1 make mica2 install
3. java SurgeListen
I am working on tinyos-2.x and have chosen mviz app for my experimentation.
To test it over hardware the commands are:
make mica2 install.4 mib510,/dev/ttyS0
tos-mviz -comm serial@COM1:iris MVizMsg
*Please suggest me what how to proceed for testing it over TOSSIM*
*Navya Kumari*
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