The first error is it can't find msp430.h which should live in the toolchain
area (msp430/include/msp430.h).

It comes the package msp430-libc (msp430-libc-20110612).

And then it goes downhill from there.....

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Kevin Daly <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the info.
> A quick test this morning shows something is very broken for me.
> Code that was compiling and working no problem for me yesterday is not
> compiling for me now. I'm 100% certain that the only difference is the
> updates to msp430-gcc, msp430-libc-tinyos and msp430-binutils-tinyos from
> the stanford repository (ttp:// 
> main). I don't have a record of the versions I was running yesterday,
> but it was the version that was in the repository before these.
> I updated tinyos-main from trunk this morning (after the first failed
> compiling attempt) so I'm using revision 5695.
> See the attached text file for the errors I get when compiling Null for
> telosb.
> The first error that jumps out at me is msp430.h is not being found, but I
> do have it at
> /usr/lib/gcc/msp430/4.5.3/plugin/include/config/msp430/msp430.h. Any idea as
> to why the build system is not finding this. Am I missing an environment
> variable or what? Or any other ideas as to what is going wrong?
> Versions I have installed now:
> msp430-gcc: 4.5.3-20110811
> msp430-libc-tinyos: 20110612-20110811
> msp430-binutils-tinyos: 2.21.1-20110811
> I'll be very surprised if this problem is specific to my system, as I would
> have thought it was fairly standard (on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit).
> Thanks,
> Kev
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:23 AM, Eric Decker <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Kevin Daly <>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Moving this to tinyos-help, as I'm sure it is is a more appropriate
>>> location for this question.
>>> In practical terms, for those of us who use msp430-gcc, but are not
>>> platform maintainers, what does this change to watchdog timer behaviour
>>> mean? Is there some change needed to the core platform files before this
>>> version of msp430-gcc can be used?
>> It depends on your platform code.   Peter put in modifications for
>> existing platforms that preserves the existing old toolchain behaviour.
>>  Namely it disables the watchdog.
>> In practice for production systems, the watchdog should get used because
>> it protects against the code going south in a major way.   But for the
>> current trunk it is disabled.  This was inherited from the way the old
>> toolchain worked.
>> In the SVN trunk, the code is there for the shimmer, span, and telosb
>> platforms.   Those are the ones I checked.  I'm pretty sure that Peter got
>> all the major msp430 platforms supported in the trunk.
>>> The package manager on my linux box just updated the msp430-gcc version
>>> to 4.x when I wasn't paying attention, so, what do I need to do to stop the
>>> watchdog timer from breaking all my apps? Is there a flag I can add to the
>>> makefile re-disable the watchdog timer if it proves problematic, or do I
>>> need to disable it in Boot.booted() (and if so exaclty how), or if I did
>>> want to tickle it, what is the easiest way to do this? I'll go read through
>>> the msp430f1611 user guide in the morning, but i'm on a fairly tight
>>> deadline at the moment so any advice is welcome.
>> If you are using the main trunk you should be okay.   Or take a look at
>> the main trunk and search for WDTCTL.   You'll see where to put it if you
>> aren't on the main trunk.
>> Take a look at tos/platforms/shimmer2/, look for WDTCTL.
>>> Incidentally, if it matters, I'm primarily using telosbs and tmotes, with
>>> a few shimmers scattered around.
>>> I could revert back to the version 3.x msp430-gcc, but the hardware
>>> multiplier fix could be fairly compelling for me.
>> It would be better to use the new toolchain.   The more time we get on it
>> the better.   It also has significantly better optimization.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Kevin
>>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Peter Bigot <> wrote:
>>>> To save time and questions, I'd like to remind those responsible for
>>>> MSP430-based platforms that watchdog is NOT disabled on startup 
>>>> anymore<>,
>>>> and that hardware multiply support should be fully 
>>>> stable<>and
>>>>  -mdisable-hwmul should be removed from any Makefiles or other places
>>>> they might be hiding.
>>>> There is a bug in the original LTS-20110716 mspgcc release that affects
>>>> multiplication when using emulation instead of the hardware multiplier (in
>>>> other words, -mdisable-hwmul will generate bad code while removing it will
>>>> not).  This was discovered in the last few days and is probably not in the
>>>> uploaded toolchain packages.
>>>> The fix for this and all other known LTS-20110716 releases are available
>>>> as 
>>>> patches<>.
>>>> If you browse up a directory from that link you'll see instructions for
>>>> using git to track the current set of LTS patches.
>>>> If you determine that the new mspgcc generates bad code, please report
>>>> the problem here or on the mspgcc bug 
>>>> tracker<>
>>>> .
>>>> Peter
>>>>  On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Philip Levis <>wrote:
>>>>> The first step for the 2.1.2 release is updating the compiler
>>>>> toolchains to support newer microcontrollers (and fix many bugs!).
>>>>> Specifically, the TinyOS Ubuntu repository on will
>>>>> include new compiler toolchains for the AVR, MSP430, and SAM3 Cortex M3.
>>>>> The new MSP430 and AVR toolchains are up in the repository now. I'd
>>>>> suggest that everyone switch over: 2.1.2 may not work with the old tools
>>>>> (e.g., the old MSP430 compiler requires hardware multiply to be disabled 
>>>>> or
>>>>> it generates bad assembly sometimes, 2.1.2 will not disable it). As a
>>>>> short-term benefit, you should generally see smaller code when using the 
>>>>> new
>>>>> compilers.
>>>>> Once Thomas and Razvan have the SAM3 packages ready, I'll tag the
>>>>> TinyOS tree for 2.1.2 and we'll start testing.
>>>>> Phil
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>> Eric B. Decker
>> Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher

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