Hello everybody,
I wrote a  small program to generate a 16 KHz PWM signal on OC3A which 
corresponds to pin 26 on the IRIS 51 pins connector. Assuming that 
fclk_I/O = 7.3728 MHz ,  I use  CTC mode  with OCR3A as TOP value. 
PRR1 &=~(1 << 3); // enable Timer 3
TCCR3B |= (1<<3)|(1<<0); // prescaler=1 
OCR3A=0xE0;  // top value
TCCR3A=0x40 ;// CTC mode with OCR3A as TOP value
TCCR3A &= ~(1 << 6); // stop the signal
I don`t get anything as output. What`s wrong with this code?
BTW, I am using  TimerMillic  to generate this signal for 10 seconds
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