Hi All,

I am receiving error while running Antitheft application. 

P.S: I am using MPR400CB as a sensor board and MIB600CA, Ethernet Interface 

1. As shown in instructions of AntiTheft, I am going to directory "Nodes" and 
then trying to install application using this command.

make mica2 install.0 eprb,

I got this error after executing the above line :

mkdir -p build/mica2
    compiling AntiTheftAppC to a mica2 binary
ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe  -Os -I%T/lib/net/ctp -I%T/lib/net 
-I%T/lib/net/4bitle -I%T/lib/net/drip -fnesc-separator=__ -Wall -Wshadow 
-Wnesc-all -target=mica2 -fnesc-cfile=build/mica2/app.c -board=mts300 
-DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x22 --param max-inline-insns-single=100000 
-DIDENT_APPNAME=\"AntiTheftAppC\" -DIDENT_USERNAME=\"jenismodi\" 
-DIDENT_TIMESTAMP=0x4ec6aee3L -DIDENT_UIDHASH=0xd1f71a05L -fnesc-dump=wiring 
-fnesc-dump='interfaces(!abstract())' -fnesc-dump='referenced(interfacedefs, 
components)' -fnesc-dumpfile=build/mica2/wiring-check.xml AntiTheftAppC.nc -lm 
 error: #error "Please define your sensorboard revision: MTS300CA, MTS300CB, 
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

2. So I tried to define my sensorboard variable before this script. 

SENSORBOARD=mpr400cb make mica2 install.0 eprb,

AFter executing this also, I am getting the same error as shown above. 

Could you tell me if there is anything wrong with above? and if yes, please 
give the solution. 

Thanks & Regards,

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