
I am trying to see the raw data from a soil sensor Decagon 5te. I see in
some manual  it work with 9600 baud rate. And dispatches his raw data in
this form:

i.e. : 56 432 645<0D>zG<0D><0A>

Where only  is  data in :
56 for Raw dielectric output, 432 Electrical conductivity, 645 is Temperature

I wrote an app to start read the raw data, the app is compiling without
error, but I need some idea about what must I do to relationship the
Timer.fired() with the async event void UartStream.receivedByte in order
to get the data every 1 second (Timer.startPeriodic(1000)) or some piece
of code if is possible for you.

The UART communication between the telosb mote is using the UART0 and is
powered from the ADC0 pin.

I am attaching the app.

Thanks in advance.



Attachment: soil-probe-uart.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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