I got now continuous retransmission attempts from the coap client,
although I'm setting the LED through the resource call:

z1@zolertia:~/local/src/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/coap/examples$ echo -e
-n \\x02 | ./coap-client -m put coap://[fec0::8]:61616/l -T 3a -t binary
-f -
send to [fec0::8]:61616:
  pdu (12 bytes) v:1 t:0 oc:3 c:3 id:50033 o: 1:'*' 9:'l' 11:'3a'
Feb 15 16:43:57 ** retransmission #1 of transaction 50033
send to [fec0::8]:61616:
  pdu (12 bytes) v:1 t:0 oc:3 c:3 id:50033 o: 1:'*' 9:'l' 11:'3a'

Compared against a past test:

z1@zolertia:~/local/src/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/coap/examples$ echo -e
-n \\x02 | ./coap-client -m put coap://[fec0::8]:61616/l -T 3a -t binary
-f -
send to [fec0::8]:61616:
  pdu (12 bytes) v:1 t:0 oc:3 c:3 id:57306 o: 1:'*' 9:'l' 11:'3a'
Jan 31 17:24:44 ** received from [fec0::3]:61616:
  pdu (7 bytes) v:1 t:2 oc:1 c:80 id:57306 o: 11:'3a'
Jan 31 17:24:44 *** removed transaction 57306
** process pdu: pdu (7 bytes) v:1 t:2 oc:1 c:80 id:57306 o: 11:'3a'
** LEDs set

Are you getting a similar output?


On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 16:27 +0100, Antonio Liñán C. wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 13:03 +0100, Steven Dorigotti wrote:
> > On 15 February 2012 09:24, Antonio Liñán C. <ali...@zolertia.com> wrote:
> > >> > It is a long shot, but you should test this with the msp430-gcc-4.5.3,
> > >> > mostly because I'm doing all the testing for 2.1.2 TOS release using 
> > >> > this
> > >> > toolchain.
> > > You should add the stanford repo (or tinyprod), and build tools.
> > > http://docs.tinyos.net/tinywiki/index.php/Installing_from_CVS/GIT
> > 
> > I followed the instructions above on my Debian and rebuilt trunk from
> > scratch using 4.5.3 .. same behaviour (no coap or ping on coap server)
> > :(
> > 
> > What is your output if you add the following to CoapBlipP.nc:
> > #include "PrintfUART.h"
> > #define printf(...) printfUART(__VA_ARGS__)
> > 
> > and don't you get my same errors when trying to get serial output of 
> > PppRouter?
> I think the serial output must be busy with the PppRouter process.
> I got ping6 response from the CoapBlip mote all the time.
> About the printf'ed values, I usually just add the printf new semantics
> and printfuart enable flags in the Makefile (works for me with the
> UDPEcho example), but with the CoapBlip I get a corrupted-funny output,
> I tried your way but I did get nothing, I could not make any further
> testing today but this is the result when calling the LED resources:
> ^@^@^@^@Lõ~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@dIPProtocols - deliver -- off  I~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^
> \^@d: 0
> UDP - IP.recv: len: 20 (Ã<80>~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@d20, 20) srcport: 61616
> dstpoÓ2~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@drt: 61616
> rx_cksum: 0xb39f m¥<81>~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@dy_cksum: 0xb39f
> LibCoapAdaptâx~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@der UDPServer.recvfrom()
> CoapBJ~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@dUdpServer: LibCoapServer.reaPÊ~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@dd()
> coap_save_split 4978
> coaÖ<88>~~E^@ÿÿ^@^@^\^@dp_split ret 2 del_node
> And the led turned ON.
> I still have to compare the results between my Z1 and telosb motes, if
> you find something else please let me know.
> --Antonio.
> > thanks,
> > sd

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