Hi Eric,


I guess I too am struggling with explaining the scenario I have here.
Lemme give it one last try. Please don't get me wrong, I truly
appreciate the time and patience on your side. Now I understand that
what I was trying to implement is not possible. So I am implementing a


Lets say for reasons beyond my control I have multiple data structs for
different applications. Each of these structs has a header and some
data. All of the struct header members except for one member are unique
for each struct . Now I am trying  to do some common operations on this
common member variable. Now I could move the common data to a struct and
then include it in the parent struct, but that would imply me having a
quite a few sub structs for each such operation.






The reason I initially thought this was possible was after checking the
generated app.c for another generic module  I had tested  a while ago. 


For eg

/***********NesC module ******************/

typedef struct


  message_t* ptrMsgUpperLayer;

  message_t  m_msgTx;

  uint8_t    m_cTickCntStart;

  uint8_t iCRC;




typedef struct



  addr_t     addrRxSource;  

  uint8_t    m_acRxPayLoad[TOSH_DATA_LENGTH];  

  uint8_t    m_cNumPayloadBytes ;

  uint8_t iCRC;





generic module AMTxMsgQueueM(typedef type)


     //interfaces removed to reduce clutter 






void TestType(type* t)


     //t->iCRC =0; does not compile


//implementation removed to reduce clutter









After compiling app.c  becomes



typedef struct __nesc_unnamed4351 {



  addr_t addrRxSource;

  uint8_t m_acRxPayLoad[100];

  uint8_t m_cNumPayloadBytes;

  uint8_t iCRC;






typedef StructRxData /*DymoServiceC.RxMsgQueueC*/AMTxMsgQueueC__1__type;


typedef /*DymoServiceC.RxMsgQueueC*/AMTxMsgQueueC__1__type




static inline void
ymoServiceC.RxMsgQueueC.AMTxMsgQueueM*/AMTxMsgQueueM__1__type *t)







This implies that  'AMTxMsgQueueM__1__type',  which is an argument
passed to TestType(),  is actually replaced by StructRxData. If I look
at app.c just as regular C file , I would assume that I could access any
member of StructRxData inside TestType()



Thanks once again for your time and patience.






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