Is there a heap? I'm declaring the array outside of any functions' is this 
still stack?

If it is overflowing memory are there any customary TinyOS ways of addressing 
the issue that I'm missing?

Sent from my ASUS Eee Pad

Eric Decker <> wrote:

Take a look at the memory map to see if you'ver overflowed available space.   
Most likely you are over running the stack.

objdump is the native object dumper.   You need to use the crosscompiler tool 
which I beleive in your case would be avr-objdump.

For symbol table I use nm, in your case avr-nm

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Ted Ward 
<<>> wrote:
Hello all. I'm trying to allocate a circular buffer. The element is a
user defined type containing two timestamps.
This all works great if my queue (array) size is 100 elements. But if I
change it to 200 elements, the mote never boots.

     typedef struct WhiteSpaceStructure
       uint32_t begin;
       uint32_t end;
     } WhiteSpace;

     WhiteSpace spaceQue[QUEUE_SIZE];

Any suggestions? I've considered using LogStorage (as in PacketParrot),
but I'm if it is feasible to enque and deque several hundred objects per
Is there is a compiler flag that will allow me to user larger arrays.

FYI: I can't run tos-ramsize
$ tos-ramsize -verbosity=2 micaz ./build/micaz/main.exe
analyzing elf file './build/micaz/main.exe' for platform 'micaz'
there are:
   126 labels
   7788 instructions
tos-ramsize FAIL: cannot process raw store to SP at 2616 at
/usr/local/bin/tos-ramsize line 1347.

I also can't use objdump:
$ objdump -d build/micaz/main.exe
build/micaz/main.exe:     file format elf32-little
objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!

Ted Ward

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Eric B. Decker
Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher

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