try to debug it on lower layers, may be its the issue of  AM_ID type.

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 4:04 PM, rajesh mukherjee <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I just simply written a code to send multiple msg & receive multiple ms
> usin AMSender & AMReceiver,  in tossim simulation msg send successfully by
> Node 0 but the event receive canot happened. plz help me.
> he file contain
> #include<Timer.h>
> #include"Flood.h"
> module FloodC{
>     uses interface Boot;
>     uses interface Timer<TMilli> as Timer0;
>     uses interface Packet as ReqPacket;
>     uses interface Packet as ParPacket;
>     uses interface Packet as RejPacket;
>     uses interface AMSend as SendRequest;
>     uses interface Receive as ReceiveRequest;
>     uses interface Receive as ReceiveParent;
>     uses interface AMSend as SendParent;
>     uses interface Receive as ReceiveReject;
>     uses interface AMSend as SendReject;
>     uses interface AMPacket as ReqAMPacket;
>     uses interface AMPacket as ParAMPacket;
>     uses interface AMPacket as RejAMPacket;
>     uses interface SplitControl as AMControl;
>     }
> implementation {
>     uint16_t parent = 0xFFFF;
>     uint16_t children[50];
>     uint16_t child_count= 0;
>     message_t request_pkt;
>     message_t parent_pkt;
>     message_t reject_pkt;
>     bool busy = FALSE;
>     event void Boot.booted(){
>         child_count=0;
>         dbg("Flood","Application Booted.\n");
>         if (TOS_NODE_ID ==0){
>             parent=0;
>         }
>         call AMControl.start();
>     }
>     event void AMControl.startDone(error_t err){
>         if (err == SUCCESS) {
>             dbg("Flood","AMControl started.\n");
>             if (TOS_NODE_ID ==0){
>                 call Timer0.startOneShot(2000);
>             }
>         }
>         else {
>             call AMControl.start();
>         }
>     }
>     event void AMControl.stopDone(error_t err){
>         //call Timer0.stop();
>     }
>     event void Timer0.fired() {
>         dbg("Flood","Timer is started");
>         if(!busy){
>             RequestMsg* rm =
>              (RequestMsg*) (call ReqPacket.getPayload(&request_pkt, NULL));
>              rm -> sourceaddr = TOS_NODE_ID;
>                 dbg("Flood","Sending..\n");
>             if(call SendRequest.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &request_pkt,
> sizeof(RequestMsg)) == SUCCESS){
>                 busy= TRUE;
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     event  void SendRequest.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t err){
>         if(&request_pkt == msg){
>             busy = FALSE;
>             dbg("Flood","SendRequest done successfully.\n");
>             if(TOS_NODE_ID != 0){
>                 ParentMsg* p = (ParentMsg*) (call
> ParPacket.getPayload(&parent_pkt, NULL));
>                 p -> sourceaddr = TOS_NODE_ID;
>                 if(call SendParent.send(parent, &parent_pkt,
> sizeof(ParentMsg)) == SUCCESS){
>                     busy=TRUE;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     event void SendParent.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t err){
>         if(&parent_pkt == msg){
>             busy = FALSE;
>             dbg("Flood","Parent Message successfully done");
>         }
>     }
>     event void SendReject.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t err){
>         if(&reject_pkt == msg){
>             busy = FALSE;
>             dbg("Flood","Send Reject message deliver");
>         }
>     }
>     event message_t* ReceiveRequest.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
> uint8_t len){
>         if ( len == sizeof(RequestMsg)){
>             RequestMsg* a = (RequestMsg*)payload;
>             dbg("Flood","Message receive");
>             if(TOS_NODE_ID != 0){
>                 if(parent == 0xFFFF){
>                     parent = a->sourceaddr;
>                     dbg("Flood","Node: %d Parent: %d \n",TOS_NODE_ID,
> parent);
>                     if(!busy){
>                         RequestMsg* b =
>                          (RequestMsg*) (call
> ReqPacket.getPayload(&request_pkt, NULL));
>                          b->sourceaddr = TOS_NODE_ID;
>                         if(call SendRequest.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR,
> &request_pkt, sizeof(RequestMsg)) == SUCCESS){
>                             busy = TRUE;
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>                 else{
>                     if(!busy){
>                         RejectMsg* r = (RejectMsg*) (call
> RejPacket.getPayload(&reject_pkt, NULL));
>                         r -> sourceaddr = TOS_NODE_ID;
>                         if(call SendReject.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR,
> &reject_pkt, sizeof(RejectMsg)) == SUCCESS){
>                             busy = TRUE;
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     return msg;
>     }
>     event message_t* ReceiveParent.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
> uint8_t len){
>         if( len == sizeof(ParentMsg)){
>             ParentMsg *p = (ParentMsg *) payload;
>             int i = 0;
>             children[child_count++] = p->sourceaddr;
>             dbg("Flood", "Node %d's children are: \n", TOS_NODE_ID);
>             for(i = 0; i < child_count; i++){
>                 dbg("Flood", " %d \n", children[i]);
>             }
>         }
>     return msg;
>     }
>     event message_t* ReceiveReject.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
> uint8_t len){
>         if( len == sizeof(RejectMsg)){
>         }
>         return msg;
>     }
> }
>    *
> FloodAppC contain*
> #include <Timer.h>
> #include "Flood.h"
> configuration FloodAppC {
> }
> implementation {
>   components MainC;
>   components FloodC;
>   components new TimerMilliC() as Timer0;
>   components ActiveMessageC;
>   components new AMSenderC(AM_REQUEST) as RequestSender;
>   components new AMReceiverC(AM_REQUEST) as RequestReceiver;
>   components new AMSenderC(AM_PARENT)    as ParentSender;
>   components new AMReceiverC(AM_PARENT) as ParentReceiver;
>   components new AMSenderC(AM_REJECT) as RejectSender;
>   components new AMReceiverC(AM_REJECT) as RejectReceiver;
>   FloodC.Boot -> MainC;
>   FloodC.Timer0 -> Timer0;
>     FloodC.ReqPacket -> RequestSender;
>      FloodC.ReqPacket -> RequestReceiver;
>     FloodC.ParPacket -> ParentSender;
>     FloodC.RejPacket -> RejectSender;
>     FloodC.ReqAMPacket -> RequestSender;
>     FloodC.ParAMPacket -> ParentSender;
>     FloodC.RejAMPacket -> RejectSender;
>   FloodC.AMControl -> ActiveMessageC;
>   FloodC.SendRequest -> RequestSender;
>   FloodC.SendParent ->  ParentSender;
>   FloodC.SendReject ->  RejectSender;
>   FloodC.ReceiveRequest -> RequestReceiver;
>   FloodC.ReceiveParent -> ParentReceiver;
>   FloodC.ReceiveReject -> RejectReceiver;
> }
> *Flood.h*
> enum {
>   AM_REQUEST = 4,
>   AM_PARENT = 5,
>   AM_REJECT = 7,
> };
> typedef nx_struct RequestMsg {
>   /* The 16-bit source node address. */
>   nx_uint16_t sourceaddr;
> } RequestMsg;
> typedef nx_struct ParentMsg {
>   /* The 16-bit source node address. */
>   nx_uint16_t sourceaddr;
> } ParentMsg;
> typedef nx_struct RejectMsg{
>     nx_uint16_t sourceaddr;
> } RejectMsg;
> #endif
> *
> python code*
> #! /usr/bin/python
> from TOSSIM import *
> import sys
> t = Tossim([])
> r =
> f = open("topo.txt", "r")
> noOfnode  =3;
> startTime =1;
> duration  =6000000000000;
> for line in f:
>   s = line.split()
>   if s:
>     print " ", s[0], " ", s[1], " ", s[2];
>     r.add(int(s[0]), int(s[1]), float(s[2]))
> t.addChannel("Flood", sys.stdout)
> noise = open("meyer-heavy.txt", "r")
> for line in noise:
>   str1 = line.strip()
>   if str1:
>     val = int(str1)
>     for i in range(0, 3):
>       t.getNode(i).addNoiseTraceReading(val)
> for i in range(0, 3):
>   print "Creating noise model for ",i;
>   t.getNode(i).createNoiseModel()
> for i in range(0, noOfnode):
>     m=t.getNode(i)
>     m.bootAtTime(startTime*t.ticksPerSecond());
> time=t.time()
> for i in range(0, 200000):
>       t.runNextEvent();
> *giving output
> *$ python
>   1   2   -100.0
>   2   1   -100.0
>   1   3   -100.0
>   3   1   -100.0
>   2   3   -100.0
>   3   2   -100.0
> Creating noise model for  0
> Creating noise model for  1
> Creating noise model for  2
> DEBUG (0): Application Booted.
> DEBUG (2): Application Booted.
> DEBUG (1): Application Booted.
> DEBUG (2): AMControl started.
> DEBUG (0): AMControl started.
> DEBUG (1): AMControl started.
> DEBUG (0): Timer is startedDEBUG (0): Sending
> DEBUG (0): SendRequest done successfully.
> why?? really i dont understand why receive request not occuring.
> Thanks in advance.
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