
 I just want to make packets in C# and send to a TelosB mote. As simple as that 
but I couldn' make this packet yet. Can you please check what I am doing wrong?

 Here is the struct that I have defined and programmed into TelosB mote:

typedef nx_struct pc_serial_msg
 nx_uint8_t sequenceNumber;
 nx_uint16_t controlCommand;
 } pc_serial_msg;

And here is the code that responsible to make the packet:
private Byte[] MakePacket(byte command)
 //Increment the sequence
var pkt = new byte[10];

 pkt[0] = 0x7E;

 pkt[1] = 0xf; //Destination
 pkt[2] = 0xf; //Source
 pkt[3] = 0xf; //Length ???
 pkt[4] = 0x1; //Group
 pkt[5] = 0x1; //Type

 pkt[6] = _sequenceNumber;
 pkt[7] = command;

 //Generating CRC
 pkt[8] = 0x1;

 pkt[9] = 0x7E; //END
return pkt;
Can you tell me what I have to put in Destination, Source, Group and Type 
bytes? What is Length? is it the length of the packet that is going to be 
transmitet and equals number of bytes in the packet? Am I atleast in the right 
track or this is totaly wrong?

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