Update III:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Flemming Nyboe
<flemm...@rocketscience.eu> wrote:
> Update II:
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Flemming Nyboe
> <flemm...@rocketscience.eu> wrote:
>> How does this reproduce on 4.6.3?
> It seems the answer is here:
> https://www.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/tinyos-help/2012-October/055752.html
> It has been fixed in 4.6.3.

I found that "4.6.3 20120301 (mspgcc LTS 20120406 unpatched)" is
actually available from

While 4.6.3 does the int64_t sum correctly, as reported by Marcin
(link above), the conversion to float and back still fails in the same
way as 4.5.3 did: clips to +/- 2^32.
On that basis, FTSP skew calculation still fails, if the time points
in its table are spaced far enough for localSum to exceed 2^32.

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