Hi Eric
Up to now, it doesn't work. In fact, when it is supposed the piece of code 
executes, the mote resets, and I cannot understand it! I'm also debugging the 
code but I'm missing something because I don't see anything strange.
Lets see if I understood your doubts. In relation to who keeps track of what 
buffers are available or not, I thing that functionality is part of the QueueC 
component and yours. Yours because you are who mark when a packet has to be 
dequeued aimed at being transmitted or discarded, and of the QueueC because it 
points to a "free" space of memory where you can enqueue a new packet as well 
as the head of this queue. On the other hand, when you need to enqueue a new 
packet, you have to return a empty message_t to the MAC by making a call to 
Pool.get(). Then, you enqueue the packet by calling 
Queue.enqueue(new_message_t) . Both components, PoolC and QueueC, point to 
different spaces of memory but they keep track of if you have space to store 
more packets, the piece of memory where you enqueue/return a message_t... . And 
when you dequeue a packet, after the event sendDone(msg) is signaled, you make 
a call to Pool.put(msg) (I'm sure you're aware of this). This make sense for 
me, but as I said, for now, it doesn't work!
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:31:15 -0800
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Drop packets in TinyOS
From: cire...@gmail.com
To: drod...@outlook.com
CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:16 AM, David Rodenas <drod...@outlook.com> wrote:

Hi Eric
In any case, I have a possible answer which is simpler than I thought. I was 
addressing the problem wrong, thinking that a message that was enqueued, it was 
really a peace of dynamic/external memory that came (was transmitted) to the 
receiver node, so it increased the already occupied memory (there is a reason 
of why a thought this: I also work with Network Simulator 2 - NS2 - and there 
you use dynamic memory for messages). This is totally wrong with TinyOS, when 
you receive a data message and enqueue it, you are only copying the whole 
content to the corresponding memory location (you defined Queue as static 
memory) and increasing a counter of enqueued messages. Then you can use PoolC 
to return an empty message_t to the system. Thus, when you make a call to 
Queue.dequeue(), what this function returns is a pointer to a static portion of 
memory (of size message_t) as well as decreases the counter of messages 
enqueued. Therefore, when another message_t is enqueued, this occupies the same 
portion of memory so the node never run outs of memory because of what I what 

Am I right?
The gist is certainly correct.   The devil as always is in the details.

I do hand debugging of code like this to make sure that a) the general case 
works, b) is argueably correct, and then c) examine the corner cases (where can 
it screw up, and are there assumptions made about  how the code works that can 
be violated).   But I didn't write or test this code.

so your mileage may vary (YMMV).
But I do think you have the gist of how it behaves.
The question is who keeps track of what buffers are available and what denotes 
the buffer being busy.   If you dequeue the packet from the "queue", does it 
something else need to be told that this packet is available?   Should it get 
put back into the Pool?


Thanks again, regards

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:51:48 -0800
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Drop packets in TinyOS
From: cire...@gmail.com
To: drod...@outlook.com

CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu

Looking at this problem from the queueing mechanism is coming at the problem 
from the inside out.

So it is pretty difficult trying to answer the question you are asking.

To do so really requires looking at the data flow (message_t) and buffer flow 
at various points in packet transmission and reception.  
The answer to your question depends on what the original caller of the enqueue 
wants done.    And then there is the whole wiring issue and how to pull the 
whole thing together.

Simply dequeuing the message certainly isn't enough because that most likely 
leads to lost messages.  But the whole scheme needs to be worked out in a 
systemic fashion.   And it would be nice if it were documented.  It certianly 
is a hole.   Eventually I'll get to it.

I certainly understand what you are trying to accomplish.  Been there done 
that.    Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, David Rodenas <drod...@outlook.com> wrote:

Hi all

I would like to know how to discard a message which is stored in a queue 
(component QueueC of message_t). To better explain this, lets suppose we have a 
maximum number of retries during we are trying to forward a data message. This 
is stored in a queue waiting for being transmitted. A failed transmission can 
occur due to collisions, interferences, etc. So when this maximum number is 
reached, the data message should be discarded, making this same procedure with 
the following message (head of the queue). Here there is a simple code of what 
I'm asking:

maximum_retries = 3;num_retries = 0;
if (num_retries > maximum_retries){    message_t * drop_msg = call 
Queue.dequeue();    drop(drop_msg);

The point is that I'm not sure if just dequeuing the message_t is enough. This 
message occupies a piece of memory space and this has to be freed. Am I right? 
Should I use the function free as in any C-based language when dynamic memory 
allocation is used?



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Eric B. Decker
Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher



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