
  Yes, you can connect many different water level sensors to a mote with
and extension (or expansion) board supports analog to digital conversion.
One such example is presented in

Improving Responsiveness of Sensor Webs
Ke Deng
Master of Computer Science thesis
University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science
November, 2008
available at

This thesis uses a Mica2 mote with attached MDA300CA data acquisition
board that, in turn, is connected to a WL400 water level sensor with 4 to
20 mA output.  Details of how to convert the 4 to 20 mA output of
the water level sensor to a useable analog voltage are presented in the
thesis.  Ke Deng's thesis uses TinyOS 1.1.15, but TinyOS 2.x can also be
used.  One hardware setup we have found useful at UNB is that provided
by the Tinynode 584 and associated standard extension board.

Regards, Brad Nickerson

On 13-02-16 5:00 PM, Faruk Baturalp Günay wrote:
Hi again all,

Do you know,can a water level sensor or indicator can be directly or indirectly connected to a mote that has Tinyos?If it is,how it may be?If you could some details i'de pleased.Thanks from now.

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