Hi Jan
I solved the problem. This was due to the fact of including 
PANDescriptorListNumEntries and PANDescriptorList variables when the MLME_SCAN 
is requested. I've not dedicated time in examining this problem more in detail, 
which a priori, I thing this should not occur. But you are the developer so I 
ber there is a reason. 

> Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 12:25:35 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] TKN154: Energy detection scan
> From: ha...@tkn.tu-berlin.de
> To: drod...@outlook.com
> CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
> Hi David,
> MLME_SCAN.request() returns a parameter ieee154_status_t, can you take
> a look at its value to check whether it is IEEE154_SUCCESS (only in
> this case the confirm event will be signalled).
> Jan
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:31 AM, David Rodenas <drod...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have an issue with TKN154 implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. I
> > am trying to perform an energy detection scan with a PAN coordinator device
> > over four pre-defined channels (e.g., 16, 19, 21, and 26) for later, select
> > the one which best fits some application requirements. The problem arises
> > when the command MLME_SCAN.request is called. It seems to me that the
> > proccess regarding this kind of scan falls in a blocked state because the
> > event MLME_SCAN.confirm is never issued. Here there is part of the code I am
> > using:
> >
> > -----------------------------------
> > implementation {
> >    void function_1()
> >    {
> >         ieee154_PANDescriptor_t m_PANDescriptor[4];
> >         int8_t EDList [4];
> >         ieee154_phyChannelsSupported_t ScanChannels = 0;
> >
> >         ScanChannels += ((uint32_t) 1) << 16; // CH 1
> >         ScanChannels += ((uint32_t) 1) << 19; // CH 2
> >         ScanChannels += ((uint32_t) 1) << 21; // CH 3
> >         ScanChannels += ((uint32_t) 1) << 26; // CH 4
> >
> >         call MLME_SCAN.request  (ENERGY_DETECTION_SCAN,   // ScanType
> >  ScanChannels, // ScanChannels
> >  5, // ScanDuration
> >  0x00, // ChannelPage
> >  4,       // EnergyDetectListNumEntries
> >  EDList,        // EnergyDetectList
> >  4, // PANDescriptorListNumEntries
> >  m_PANDescriptor,        // PANDescriptorList
> >  0                       // security
> > );
> >     }
> >
> >     event void MLME_SCAN.confirm (
> >                           ieee154_status_t status,
> >                           uint8_t ScanType,
> >                           uint8_t ChannelPage,
> >                           uint32_t UnscannedChannels,
> >                           uint8_t EnergyDetectListNumEntries,
> >                           int8_t* EnergyDetectList,
> >                           uint8_t PANDescriptorListNumEntries,
> >                           ieee154_PANDescriptor_t* PANDescriptorList)
> >     {
> >          // It is never issued
> >          call Leds.Led0On();
> >     }
> > }
> > -----------------------------------
> >
> > I appreciate all the help possible.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > David
> >
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