On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:04 AM, "Erdélyi Ádám [Edöm]" <
erdelyiadam.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> I would put it into the folder of that particular platform and then
> rewrite the .platform file accordingly. As far as I know the path list
> in the .platform file is a priority list, so if you put the folder of
> your own version of McuSleepC before the general one it will override it.

That is correct.  It is the search order and the search stops once it find
the first
file that matches the "component" specification.

> For doing it in a more general way I would just simply give a different
> name for the new version and put it next to the old version. Then you
> can decide which one to use when creating a platform (although that
> "decision" should be at a low level /close to HPL/ in order to avoid
> rewriting/overriding the default McuSleepC.

By changing the name, one has to change the source in the wiring files.

> These are just my ideas, I'm sure you'll get more accurate answers from
> more experienced members of the mailing-list ;)

You did pretty well.

> Regards,
> Adam
> On 09/04/13 16:54, Christian Renner wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am wondering how to integrate general additions (modules, interfaces,
> > etc.) to the TinyOS tool chain, so that they are
> >
> > - available for any application and
> > - overwrite standard TinyOS implementations.
> >
> > I'll (try to) give an example of what I want to achieve:
> >
> > Say I implemented a modified version of McuSleepC.nc for two different
> > platforms (for some arbitrary reason). Now I am having several
> > applications that want to make use of the modifications. Apparantly, I
> > do not want to overwrite the corresponding original implementations, but
> > want to store my implementations locally as, e.g.,
> >
> > SOME_PLACE/chips/atm1281/McuSleepC.nc, and
> > SOME_PLACE/chips/atm128rfa1/McuSleepC.nc
> >
> > The question now is, how do I make TinyOS aware of these new files? Of
> > course, I could just add the paths to the Makefile with a dumb addition
> > to CFLAGS. However, this would require to select the right path
> > depending on the target, and I would have to do that in every single
> > makefile.
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance for pointers and help,
> > Christian
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Eric B. Decker
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