Hi EvryOne,
i'm mohammed from morocco, i'm studying embedded systems and i have my
graduate project in WSN with TinyOS on Micaz.
i have to work with Sensirion SHT75; i saw the contrib code from
about that subject and i just changed few things to let things go with the
micaz board.

*DATA = MicaBusC.Int3; *
*SCK  = MicaBusC.PW2;*
* *
*components HplSensirionSht11P;*
* HplSensirionSht11P.PWR -> MicaBusC.PW5;  // Power*
* HplSensirionSht11P.DATA -> MicaBusC.Int3;    //data*
* HplSensirionSht11P.SCK -> MicaBusC.PW2;       //clk*

i've also connected the sht75 to this pins with a pull up resistor for DATA
and pull down for the clock.
the code didn't work because waitForResponse() (from HplSensirionSht11C.nc)
returns FAIL. and i don't know why ?

* error_t waitForResponse() {*
*    call DATA.makeInput();*
*    call DATA.set();*
*    call CLOCK.set();*
*    if (call DATA.get()) {*
*      // the device didn't pull the DATA line low*
*      // the command wasn't received or acknowledged*
*      return FAIL;*
*    }*
*    call CLOCK.clr();*
*    return SUCCESS;*
*  }*

i'm asking for your help !
thanks in advance !
best regards !


*YASSINE Mohammed*
*Mobile and Embedded Systems engineer student  at the*
*National Advanced School of Computer Science and System Analysis *
*(ENSIAS - Morocco).*


*+212 673-40-30-68*
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