*Dear all,*

*I am working with wireless sensor networks ( more specifically with
Shimmer Devices), and my case scenario is:*

*I have an android tablet, a gateway and some Shimmer devices.*

*The shimmer devices will be using 802.15.4 and send packets to the gateway.*

*The gateway will receive the packetes and properly convert each one
of them in order to send all to the android tablet.*

*Finally the android tablet will receive the packet and display the


*Given my case scenario, I am looking for an implementation of a
routing protocol, but I dont know which protocol should be the best
for me.*

*Another question is:*

*Do you think is it a good idea to use 802.15.4 and have their
packages to be converted each time the gateway receives them or should
I reconsider that decision?*

*Any help would be very appreciated.*



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