this is of course with the default implementation of FTSP in lib/ftsp in

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 5:35 PM, wasif masood <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I hope I am not repeating the same question again. I have done some
> testing of FTSP on telosb nodes
> with Millisecond and 32khz timer. Tests are performed on a 4 nodes fully
> connected network with cc2420x stack the accuracy with millisecond timer is
> on average 1 ms but with 32khz timer MAD is in hundred ticks even for a
> simplistic 4 nodes fully connected network. This is not even remotely close
> to what I have read around the forums and in the paper; . I just need
> experts opinion whether they got the same results with 32khz timer.
> BR,
> Wasif Masood

Wasif Masood
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