Hi all,

We have been using Decagon's water potential sensor MPS-1 for years to
record the water potential of the soil. However, the MPS-1 is no longer

Decagon has replaced their MPS-1 water potential sensor with MPS-2. We are
very confused about how to power the MPS-2 sensor.

We are using TelosB motes since the MPS-2 senor's output needs to be read
through the UART port. We also used a 5V booster converter so that the
excitation voltage can meet the sensors requirements (between 3.6 ~ 12 V).

However, as we found, the MPS-2 sensor must be powered twice to output a
reading. For example, if we only power it for 200 ms, we get no reading;
but if we power it for 50 ms, then remove the power, then power it again
for 150 ms, we can sometimes get readings. This is very strange, and we
don't know whether this power method is correct.

When we get readings, the values (<-2000 kPa) are very different from what
we get from the MPS-1 sensor (-150 ~ 0 kPa).

Does anyone has anything experience on the MPS-2 sensor? We really need
some help.

Thank you very much.

Xiaoyang Zhong
Tinyos-help mailing list

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