
I am facing some problem interpreting the results of the testftsp
application on tinyos 2.1.2. According to the *readme.txt* file, reported
global times should be the same for all clients for the same sequence
number. But i find there are some difference even for the same sequence
number. Here i copied some reported data... I have used telosb devices

1453243022334 2 1745 82528565 0
1453243022385 1 1745 82517473 0

1453243039909 2 1757 82531181 0
1453243041028 1 1757 82531017 0

1453243041376 2 1758 82532358 0
1453243041495 1 1758 82532148 0

1453594664459 9 2581 5282682 0
1453594664464 6 2581 5285177 0

1453594691805 9 2595 5309369 0
1453594691809 6 2595 5313180 0

Does anyone have any idea why this can happen ? Any suggestion what can i
do to make them same ? Thanks in Advance.


*Ashik Ahmed Bhuiyan*
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Computer Science Department
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