I know the installation page is out of date.  Sorry about that.  Not under
my domain of control.

cygwin hasn't been supported for quite some time.

Now that said a couple of points/suggestions...

o all the packages you list below, if you could get them, are very old.
You really probably don't want to use them.

o there probably has been some bit rot in the code base.  I don't know the
last time a tinyos image for the AVR chips was built.  Even if you had the
Cygwin toolchain for the AVR, it is questionable how easy it would be to
get everything to work.  Could work like a champ but it hasn't been done in
a while.

o you might want to consider switching to a linux box.  your life will be
much easier.  For example on Ubuntu 14.04 avr-gcc is gcc-avr_1:4.8   which
is gcc 4.8 (vs. 4.1.2) quite a difference.  Installing and using the
toolchains on Ubuntu is so much easier.

o the old avr code was built using those old toolchains.  Any time one
updates a toolchain, it is quite possible that one will find some gotchas.
The execution of critical pieces of the code has to be reverified.  (The
old toolchain isn't available, I certainly haven't archived it).

o you can try WinAVR but it hasn't been updated since 2010 (no thanks).

o you can try http://andybrown.me.uk/2015/03/08/avr-gcc-492/ for a gcc 4.9

o you can try http://cygwinports.org/.  The avr-gcc package is 4.8.2-1

o you are probably on your own for getting all this set up. I haven't seen
any AVR traffic in a long time. I'm currently working on Cortex cores.

Oh and by the way these aren't "native compilers"  these are all

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 2:11 AM, Soledad Escolar <sesco...@arcos.inf.uc3m.es
> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to install TinyOS on cygwin/windows by following the
> instructions in:
> http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos-wiki/index.php/Manual_inst
> allation_using_RPM_packages
> I'm unable to download the Atmel AVR tools (native compilers) since the
> page is unavailable, specifically the packages:
> avr-binutils-2.17tinyos-3.cygwin.i386.rpm
> avr-gcc-4.1.2-1.cygwin.i386.rpm
> avr-libc-1.4.7-1.cygwin.i386.rpm
> avarice-2.4-1.cygwin.i386.rpm
> avr-insight-6.3-1.cygwin.i386.rpm
> avrdude-tinyos-5.6cvs-1.cygwin.i386.rpm
> I looked for these packages in Google but I don't find them. I need these
> packages for my project on cygwin/windows and this is not a choice, it's a
> mandatory requirement of my project.
> Could you indicate me where I can find these packages?
> Thanks in advance,
> Best regards,
> Soledad
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