PhD position in "Mobility Management in Fog-assisted IoT Networks" at
Mälardalen University, Sweden

Application deadline: Feb 28, 2019

The research environment Embedded Systems (ES) at MDH announces a
PhD-student position in Computer Science. ES is the nationally leading
center in embedded-systems research and internationally known for the
ability to combine the highest academic standard with industrially relevant
research. ES provides a stimulating international research environment,
characterized by its cooperative atmosphere, openness, and team spirit – a
great environment for a researcher to grow in; with a mix of established
and young researchers. The environment contains over 200 researchers.
Position description

The MobiFog VR starting grant project together with the SSF project on
Future factories in the Cloud (FiC) is announcing a PhD position in
Mobility Management in Fog-assisted IoT Networks.

Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications based on the "wireless sensor
networks" paradigm have been mostly building on static nodes. However, many
emerging and future IoT applications are likely to impose (or at least
benefit from) the support of mobile nodes. Some IoT-oriented protocols may
eventually support mobile nodes, but most of the times at very high costs,
e.g. extra mobility management overheads, higher end-to-end transmission
delays and lower packet delivery rates. The well-know shrinked version of
the IPv6 protocol for IoT - 6loWPAN - is a good example of a protocol that
simply "reacts" to joining/leaving of nodes, not responding satisfactorily
to actual mobility of nodes. Additionally, traditional mobility management
protocols neglect constrained networks with limitations in channel
bandwidth, packet size, sleep mode and unreliable links.

This PhD research will focus on designing novel mobility management
protocols for IoT networks through enhancing the IoT architecture (e.g.
TSCH and RPL), enriched by the Fog Computing concept. The envisaged
mobility management architecture will require designing novel hand-off
algorithms for smooth transition of mobile nodes, SDN (software defined
networking) controllers, and dynamic and real-time message scheduling. The
project will involve the design, implementation and validation of extensive
probabilistic analysis and optimization algorithms, supported by,
simulation, emulation and real-world experiments.

This work is to be conducted in a collaborative and energetic research
group with strong track records in wireless communication systems. It is
expected that the candidate performs research in the given area through a
combination of experimentation, simulations and/or analytical modeling.
Knowledge or experience in areas such as wireless communication, and sensor
networks, mobility management, Fog computing, performance measurements,
modeling, and evaluation is therefore desirable. Excellent programming
skills (e.g. C, C++, Java and Python), good knowledge in networking
software (e.g., TCP/IP protocol stack, SDN, NFV, OpenStack, Docker),
networking tools/simulators (e.g. OMNeT++, Contiki, and TinyOS) as well as
good oral and written communication skills in English are required. The
candidate should be able to work independently, as well as in a team; and
be enthusiastic about pushing the state-of-the-art. Collaboration with
academic and industry partners through national/international research
projects is expected. Decisive importance is attached to personal
suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and
gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the
Please submit your application by 28 Feb 2019 at:
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