> Subject: Another Stats Question
> From: "Marjorie S. Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 07:54:12 -0400
> In teaching ANOVA, I have my students hand-calculate--...
> Another related question:  How many of you have your students do hand
> calculations for Statistics?  A colleague and I are in disagreement
> about this--he is much more theoretical than I am and does not think
> that the students need to hand-calculate statistics anymore because
> everything is done by SPSS.  What do you all think?

Having never taught stat (and never will unless forced to by terrorists)  I've often 
wondered why spreadsheets aren't used more in the teaching of stat?  It combines the 
personal experience of transforming numbers with the automatic calculations of a stat 
package.  Even more, it's far easier to spot miss entries and to see the effects of  
change in a variable or set of variables.

definitely just my opinion.

Herb Coleman
IT Manager, Rio Grande Campus
Adjunct Psychology Professor
Austin Community College
* "I wish none of this had happened."    *
*                                        *
* "So do all who live to see such times. *
* But that is not for them to decide.    *
* All we have to decide is what to do    *
* with the time that is given to us.     *
* There are other forces at work in this *
* world,..., besides the will of evil."  *
A conversation between Frodo and Gandalf
from the motion picture
             "The Fellowship of the Ring"

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