Rip Pasacreta wrote 
> Sorry, but I don't believe in reinforcing procrastination.
None of us do, Rip.  But as others have mentioned, there are occasionally
valid excuses that are difficult to verify. But more than that, I think that
we often fail to realize the import of grades on a student's life. One act
of noblesse oblige (or should that be professe oblige <g>)  may be trivial
to us but of momentous import to the student. Given that fact, I prefer to
err on the side of generosity and understanding even if it means I
occasionally get scammed. And with the policy of delaying make-ups, I think
the likelihood of being scammed is much reduced,  As others have said, it is
exceedingly rare for a student taking such a make-up perform better than
his/her history would predict. Heck, even if I let them take the exam right
away they usually do poorly.  I feel bad about that but at least my
conscience is clear...... I went the extra mile for them and they failed to
take advantage of it. 
Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Department of Psychology, 
West Chester Univ. of Pennsylvania
Cogito ergo spud: I think therefore I yam
Shameless self promotion:  The Mill Creek Bluegrass Band performs every
Tuesday night at Dugal's Inn, Mortonville, 8 miles west of West Chester, PA.
Call 610- 486-0953 for directions.

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