On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 15:25:56 -0400 "Patrick O. Dolan" 

> This is for the history folks out there- I have a book by Fechner that
> I thought was his Elements (1860) book but it doesn't look like that
> ("Elemente der Psychophysik").  Instead it looks something like
> "Hauptpuncte der psnchophnhk" (or something like that; see scanned
> pict.).  Is this a different book? A different language?  Thanks
> kindly for any insight you may have!
> Patrick

Hi Patrick:

This is not another language.  I think the full title is
"Revision der Hauptpuncte der Psychophysik." It is not a 
revision of an earlier "Hauptpuncte" but a reprise of 
important points about psychophysics and replies to other 
theorists like Müller, Wundt, and Delboeuf.


Kenneth M. Steele, Ph.D.                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Psychology
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

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