> I've enjoyed all of your discussions of this very much (although I must =
> admit, I felt sort of ignorant in the presence of you scholars). I have =
> a question that is only slightly related to this discussion...
> There is/was a practice of mortification of sins (or so I've been told), =
> in which the sinner beat the guilt out of himself (OK, I admit, my =
> understanding is vague, please correct me on this, I'd appreciate it). =
> My real question is this: Does anyone know anything about the concept of =
> mortification of memory? It has to do with purging one's self of sinful =
> memories or something like that. I'm presently involved in research on =
> directed forgetting/instructed ignoring and see a historical precursor.
> Thanks for any help that anyone can give me.
> Carol


I think you're referring to the practice of self-flagellation, which
seemed to have become common during the Middle Ages.

As I understand it, it was based on a certain perversion of Catholic
theology (other churches did not practice this) and as far as I know
it had a well-deserved death.

Best wishes,

 Jim Guinee, Ph.D.                                                            
 Director of Training & Adjunct Professor                              
 University of Central Arkansas Counseling Center                
 313 Bernard Hall    Conway, AR  72035    USA                          
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   Christian experience.  We think we are doing our duty when 
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