Allen Esterson wrote:

I’m going to be treading on dangerous ground here, but what the hell…

Such sentiments can be inspiring, but also dangerous in the wrong circumstances. How many times must this kind of sentiment have echoed round the Balkans in the 1990s.

Allen Esterson

Hi Allen,
Hey, I'm not one to disagree with what you just said... But then again, poetry, music, art... All of it has been used to justify one thing or another. So, should we stop using it because some might use it wrongly? I don't want to spark another debate here, but as we just discussed quite at length in the last few weeks, Religions can also sometimes end up being used wrongly, and that does not stop anyone from "participating" in them.

So yes, some may remember the bad things only, and use them to justify political ideas that may or may not be "great". But I would dare to venture that "extremism" (?) is often the by-product of mis-dis-lack-of- information. And so with this said, let's get on with another good day of teaching, to try and open up thoise minds a little more than they were yesterday!

Cheers! And to (almost) quote Louis, "Make it an Open day"!


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