> Yesterday's NYT, in honor of 25 years of its weekly section, Science
> Times, listed "25 of the most provocative questions facing science."
> How does the brain work?
> Can robots become conscious?
> Does the paranormal exist?

My model of Correlational Holographic Opponent Processing is connected at
high levels to the above provocative questions facing science.

The brain works by using Correlational Holographic Opponent Processing.

Robots can be built using Correlational Holographic Opponent Processing

One process is using a CORE processor or Correlational Oppositional Ratio
Enhanced processor with a Neutronics Dynamic System.

The second process is using a panassociative quantum unification bipolar
gaussian charge states - QUBOCS which may be connected to a holographic
interference device to translate the data to a binary interface with an XOR
circuit device.  In both opponent global/local environments a robot would be
self organizing, conscious or aware.  Consciousness is closely related to
quantum global/local fields.

Paranormal events especially precognition could be a natural feature of
entanglement of two or more individuals in a quantum global/local field.
Each person is part of the whole, but the whole is causally connected or
associated as if the individuals were eigenstate cohomologous slices in a
m-brane/string universe and therefore one from two.  It would be a
reasonable possible jump from a Correlational Holographic Opponent
Processing model.  It is likely, since robots would be conscious, to observe
ESP phenomenon in conscious robots.  The phenomenon could be a real or
quantum physical property of matter/mind interconnections and it is not
important what type or physical construct the mind is made from.  The
phenomenon would be random, uncontrollable, and contradictory.  Results
could be positive in one universe but negative in another universe.  On the
average one should observe a classical world, with odd clustering of
outliers.  Gravity is the force that links parallel universes that could
allow ESP to exist.  You are not actually getting information from your
personal future but information from copies of you in parallel universes.
Your choices in our universe can be influenced by the knowledge from the
choices that copies of you have made in other universes.  Therefore
technically ESP does not exist, but effects that look like ESP could exist.
Quantum nature frequently makes statements like yes/but not yes.

Ron Blue
http://turn.to/ai (USA and UK Only)
Holographic Wave Phase Storage in a Novel Panassociative Circuit
A SlinkyŽ Analogy For Panassociative Functions In A CHOP Model
Correlational Holographic Opponent Processing
Basics of Conscious Artificial Intelligence

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