I don't know if I'm more amazed at the illusion or that you have students who
voluntarily send you interesting psychology-related things via email!!

Erin K.

>A student forwarded me this "activity" from a friend of his.  I've seen it
before, but I don't recall 
>ever having heard an explanation for the phenomenon.  After a little experimentation
(which made 
>my dog stare at me quizzically), I verified that it's not true that "there's
nothing you can do about 
>it," though I'll admit that it's slightly more challenging than rubbing your
belly while patting your 
>head.  The trick seems to be making one of the two movements automatic, but
I'm not sure why 
>that's necessary in the first place.  Any thoughts?
>------- Forwarded message follows -------
>Professor Bartel,
>  Hi, this is Brian from your M/W/F 12:00 Psych. class. I found a cool left
brain/right brain conflict activity. 
>Here it is: 
>Left Brain, Right Brain
>While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise
>Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

>Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it.
>I thought it would be cool to try this and see that there's nothing you can
do about it. Since we've been talking 
>about the brain in previous classes, I thought it would be fun to try this
>See you in class Monday.
>------- End of forwarded message -------
>Jeffrey Bartel
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Psychology
>Shippensburg University
>jsbart @ wharf.ship.edu / 717.477.1324
>Jeffrey Bartel
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Psychology
>Shippensburg University
>jsbart @ wharf.ship.edu / 717.477.1324
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Erin A. Kennedy
Department of Psychology
Saint Louis University
3511 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, MO  63103
(314) 977-2262

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