At 02:12 PM 3/7/2004 -0600, John Nichols wrote:
Miguel, is the measure of test-wiseness you mentioned free and simple
enough for us to use?  Maybe a better first question would be, does your
Psych Lit search reveal that the question is sufficiently answered?
Anything available on the Web -- without requiring subscriptions?

John, for whatever reason I could not access Psych. Lit all afternoon, but I do recall when I was browsing through a few of the abstracts that the questionnaire, and there are likely to be more than one, was an experimental instrument which I interpret to mean that it is a measure that can be freely used for research purposes. 

David Campbell wrote:

>What I really had was evidence that some students are simply sharper (in the mental sense).  They have better memories, broader >vocabularies, more extensive background knowledge (from general reaading and previous course work), and can more easily >comprehend complex material.  That is, they were higher in the "g" factor.  So they could put little time into their study, use few of >my study tips (maybe even simply read the chapter once and take notes in class) and still remember/understand/apply the >material better than the students who had to put in far more time--and retain less!

I am also virtually certain that the g factor is strongly related to test-wiseness, but I still think that test-wiseness is a fairly independent construct representing an ability that can probably be acquired to some extent (and that's where g comes in!).


Miguel Roig, Ph.D.                              
Associate Professor of Psychology               
Notre Dame Division of St. John's College       
St. John's University                           
300 Howard Avenue                               
Staten Island, New York 10301
Voice: (718) 390-4513
Fax: (718) 390-4347
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